Thursday, October 25, 2012

Old Megaman Sketches

I would have uploaded these earlier if my internet hadn't mysteriously crapped out on me last night and stayed off all night and day. Eventually I had to turn off the computer and unplug everything from the modem, then plug them back in and turn everything on. Thanks goodness it's back and we don't have to get a new modem!

Anyway, where was I...? Oh yeah, old Megaman sketches. Here ya go.

First up is Fireman - As I remember, I made these in Autodesk Sketchbook Express 2010 to test it out. It's a nice, intuitive drawing/painting program for artists, but I don't have the full version so anything I save will merge all my layers. Oh well. =/

As for Fireman himself, I like drawing him as a serious, stalwart, somewhat grumpy kind of guy. Doesn't get too excited, since he uses fire and such, things could get disastrous if he did! =P

The rest of these sketches were drawn in Flash. Here I was trying to flesh out an idea I'd had of a female version of Fireman, complete with fiery pigtails. Fun. =)

Next up is Elecman - and his female counterpart, of course. I had the idea of giving her a different-but-similar mask design, and ponytails that resemble ring terminal wires. There's some silly faces thrown in there for fun, and Snakeman's down there too for some reason. If he looks too cutesy don't worry, I'll make some decent drawings of him later. =P

And finally, my personal favorite - Flashman! I just love drawing this guy for some reason. 

And that's all for my crazy drawings. As thanks for looking, here's an older sketch I did during a break in college. I was fiddling around with face shapes and came up with this cow-fish-thing. It's kinda neat.


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