Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Powerpuff Girls Are Coming Back! (Rant Included)

Something tells me I may regret posting this, but I'd just like to get this off my chest.

Buzzfeed Article

Found this out the other day on Tumblr and I am SO EXCITED OH MY GOSH
I mean the original cast is returning, the studio who worked on the Gorillaz music videos, Passion Pictures, is working on it, and even former Beatle Ringo Starr will have a major role and perform an original song! It's going to be AMAZING!

...but nooo, because according to other folks my age who grew up with this show, one leaked picture that could maybe possibly be the girls' new designs is a horrible transgression on their childhood and this 1-hour special, that no doubt dozens of people have put so much care and hard work into, is going to suck.

Pardon my french but, fuck that

I loved this show (and the movie) as a young girl, still love it now, and nothing's going to change that. Especially not some little redesign that may not even be official, it's only rumored - it could be some old concept art as far we know and the girls may look pretty much the same in the actual special.

And if they do look this in the special, I honestly won't mind - they still look essentially the same, just with more detailed hair and eyes. Bubbles' hair looks a bit messy and Buttercup's side-hair looks a bit strange but overall I'm okay with them. I actually like the eyes, they have cute little eyelashes and actual eyebrows for better face expressions.

And I know the special will be computer-generated - that may not necessarily mean the girls will become terrible 3D models. Looking at Passion Pictures' work on the Gorillaz music videos, this special may follow the style in those videos, where we have 2D characters standing like paper cutouts in a 3D environment.
Come on guys, it's a new year, a new century, there's some powerful software and creative people out there, they'll figure something out.

In short, I'm not settling on anything until a trailer/actual footage is released.

And even then I'm going to watch this anyway, because some folks at Cartoon Network cared enough for people like me, kids who tuned into their channel in its early days, to bring these girls back for one last hurrah.

Thanks guys.

(and thanks to anyone reading this and putting up with my crazy rant, sorry!)

1 comment:

  1. I stand by you!!! I loved Powerpuff Girls, even though I have always been "too old" to have "grown up" with them! Times change, so does media, people will have to get over it. As someone who actually "grew up" watching Transformers, My Little Pony, Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake, I will admit that I was not happy seeing my childhood cartoon morph into strange new concepts! My daughter however, loves my original cartoons as much as the newer designed, it bridges that gap!!! I will always be true to the "original" BumbleBee, shouting in a dark movie theater prior to the second movie starting "BUMBLEBEE WAS A BUG!!!" But I understand that money makes movies, and when you get a car company to back you, you have to make some changes. I think that it will be more important for the "essence" of the show that so many originals have jumped back into the kiddie pool, if there is new design, we should embrace it as the progression of art!
